Biosecurity Training for Turkey Farmers Gamified

News Release

Rebecca Groos
(763) 682-2171

A Minnesota Turkey Growers Association & University of Minnesota Extension Collaboration 

BUFFALO, Minn. – To demonstrate the risk and reward of biosecurity forMinnesota turkey farms, Minnesota Turkey Growers Association (MTGA) and University of Minnesota Extension are teaming up to bring a fun biosecurity simulator game to the doorsteps of turkey farmers. Growers who are a part of MTGA can expect the game, supplies and instructions on how to play to arrive at their doorsteps this month.  

“Biosecurity is critical to keeping our flocks safe from disease. We strive to provide the necessary training for implementing impenetrable biosecurity plans on Minnesota turkey farms and are grateful to work with the University of Minnesota Extension on this effort,” said Executive Director Sarah Anderson.  

MTGA worked with University of Minnesota ExtensionSpecialist Dr. Erin Cortus and Abby Schuft of the UMN ExtensionPoultry Division in developing this training for turkey farmers. The lessons taught through this biosecurity game are applicable to any disease prevention plan. 

The game follows two turkey growers on their farms throughout a typical day, including going from barn to barn across their yard and even attending community activities. Both foot and vehicle traffic pose a risk to biosecurity. 


The biosecurity game reminds players that every person plays a significant role in keeping birds free from disease. Veterinarians, service providers, delivery persons, and most importantly, friends, family, and the community all play a role in maintaining on-farm biosecurity and ultimately, protecting Minnesota’s poultry flocks. 

MTGA is a trade association representing more than 600 turkey farms across the state. Many of our growers come from multi-generational family farms. Our organization also represents turkey processors and other industry stakeholders. Together, MTGA advocates for the interests of the Minnesota turkey farmer and industry as a whole.

To learn more about MTGA visit Find us on Facebook (@MinnesotaTurkey),Twitter (@MinnesotaTurkey), Instagram (MinnesotaTurkey) and YouTube (MinnesotaTurkey).

