Join a Committee & Serve

MTGA & MTRPC Committees

The MTGA & MTRPC boards have revamped the committee structure to better serve MTGA members and we’re looking for volunteers to help lead and serve on these committees. Please fill out the contact form to the right if you're interested in serving.

If you want to learn more about what each committee does, contact Outreach & Member Services Coordinator Brandon Severns at [email protected] or call (763) 682-2171.


Members enjoy their time during the Turkey Taste-Off at the MTGA Summer Summit.

Member Engagement

This committee develops programming relevant to member needs and nurtures general member recruitment and retention. Meets 4-6 times per year.

Public Outreach

This committee is responsible for representing the voice of turkey growers, processors and industry stakeholders to policy makers, regulators, and consumers. Meets 4 times per year (Feb., May, Sept., Dec.).


Advancing turkey health and welfare through research is an important focus for the MTRPC.

Research & Food Safety

This committee guides and facilitates the MTRPC research program, including communicating among industry health experts, identifying health and research priorities, providing recommendations to the MTRPC board for research funding, and securing other sources for research funding. Meets 4-8 times per year, at least 3 meetings in Sept. - Dec.

Workforce Development

This committee plans and facilitates opportunities to engage current and future workers in the turkey industry, including Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom, 4-H and FFA engagement, working with post-secondary institutions, and collaborating with industry human resources professionals. Meets 4 times per year.

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